RT期刊文章SR电子T1组胺支气管反应性和血管舒缓激肽不变在正常人鼻病毒感染后摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 313欧元OP 317签证官5是3 A1萨默斯,QA A1希金斯,PG A1巴罗,搞笑A1 Tyrrell, DA A1霍尔盖特,188bet官网地址我们研究了鼻病毒(RV)感染对气道反应性的影响。27例正常志愿者(11例特应性)接种RV 2或RV EL。分别在接种前、接种后7天和21天测定组胺和缓激肽刺激浓度,以使1秒用力呼气量(FEV1)下降15% (PC15FEV1)。感染是通过抗病毒抗体滴度的四倍上升和通过洗鼻液的病毒培养来确定的。记录接种前3 d和接种后21 d的峰值呼气流速(PEF)。所有受试者均接受前两次支气管挑战,22人接受第三次挑战。对于整个组和特应性受试者,缓激肽和组胺的PC15值之间存在显著相关性(r = 0.82和r = 0.85)。20名受试者被感染;其中6人患有临床感冒。 For the 16 infected subjects who had all three challenges, the median (range) PC15FEV1 for the histamine challenges was 36 (0.89-64), 62 (1.5-64) and 34 (0.94-64) mg.ml-1, respectively, and 32 mg.ml-1 for each bradykinin challenge (range: 0.015-32, 0.088-32 and 0.033-32). There were no significant differences between study days for PC15FEV1 histamine or bradykinin for the whole group, the infected subjects, those with clinical colds or for those infected with either RV subtype. There was no significant change in mean daily PEF after viral infection. We conclude that airways reactivity to histamine and bradykinin is unchanged after experimental RV infection in normal volunteers.