PT -期刊文章AU - Choudry, NB AU - Fuller, RW TI -慢性咳嗽辅助患者咳嗽反射的敏感性- 10.1183/09031936.93.05030296 DP - 1992年3月01日TA -欧洲呼吸杂志PG - 296—300 VI - 5 IP -3 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J1992年3月01日;5ab -咳嗽可能与支气管分泌物过多有关,因此可能是多产的。然而,在一部分患者中,咳嗽是无效的,这可能与咳嗽反射反应的增强有关。使用刺激性辣椒素,对363人的咳嗽反射敏感性进行了测量。使用问卷将受试者分为三组:A组)无咳嗽对照组;B组)非生产性咳嗽者;C组为咳出性咳嗽者。A、B、C组引起两次或两次以上咳嗽(C2)的对数辣椒素浓度的组均值(+/- 99%置信区间(CI))分别为0.98(+/- 0.08)、0.64(+/- 0.09)和1.04(+/- 0.23)。A、B、C组引起5次及以上咳嗽(C5)的对数辣椒素浓度分别为1.78(+/- 0.1)、1.16(+/- 0.12)和1.54(+/- 0.25)。B组对吸入辣椒素的敏感性显著高于其他各组(p < 0.01)。 No significant difference was observed between groups A and C. Some differences were found when subgroups were examined within groups B and C. In group B, patients with post-nasal drip were found to have a normal sensitivity of the cough reflex and were, therefore, different from the remainder of patients with non-productive cough. In group C, patients with bronchiectasis and current infection showed an increase in the sensitivity of their cough reflex. It is concluded that cough can occur in association with either excess mucus production leading to productive cough or an increase in the sensitivity of the cough reflex, possibly leading to non-productive cough.