Ty- Jour T1-四肢瘫痪受试者中对化学感应刺激的通气反应JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -891 LP -900 VL -900 VL -3 IS -8 AU -POKORSKI -POKORSKI,MAU -MAU -MORIKAWA -MORIKAWA,MORIKAWA,T AU -TAKAISHI,S au -TAKAISHI,SAu -Masuda,Au -Au -Ahn,B au -Honda,Y Y1-1990/09/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/3/891.abstract n2-我们测试了以下假设从脊髓延伸至呼吸肌肉动物元的运动流量的中断会抑制化学驱动器增加的通气反应。我们根据重新呼吸技术,在17例低宫颈脊髓转移和17名正常受试者的17例二次屈曲患者中比较了基于重呼吸技术的缺氧(HVR)和高含量(HCVR)通气反应。通过微小通气(VE)和口腔阻塞压力(P0.2)在动脉氧饱和度(SAO2)或End Tidal PCO2(PACO2)(PACO2)以及SAO2 80%或在PACO2上的绝对VE值评估通气反应。55 mmhg。我们发现四边形和正常受试者之间未载的HVR或HCVR没有差异。在加载的HVR中,在两组受试者中,delta ve/delta sao2斜率趋于相似。在正常受试者中,delta p0.2/delta sao2斜率向上移动,在给定的SAO2下产生了明显更高的p0.2。相比之下,四肢瘫痪的HVR期间的P0.2水平上升。 Loaded HCVR yielded qualitatively similar results in both groups of subjects; delta VE/delta PACO2 decreased and delta P0.2/delta PACO2 increased significantly. The results show that the ventilatory chemosensory responses were unsuppressed in quadriplegics, although they displayed a disturbance in load-compensation, as reflected by occlusion pressure, in hypoxia. We conclude that the descending drive to respiratory muscle motoneurons is not germane to the operation of the chemosensory reflexes. ER -