ty -jour t1-抗threonyl -tRNA合成酶(抗PL7)抗体JF -EURER呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -714 LP -717 DO -10.1183/09031936.00101936.00104310 VL-37 is -eur persirator jf -Eur attrna andthetthetase(抗PL7)抗体综合征呈阳性 - 欧洲呼吸器Hervier,B。Au -Uzunhan,Y。Au -Hachulla,E。Au -Benveniste,O。au -au -Nunes,H。au -au -delaval,P。au -Musset,L。au -au -dubucquoi,S。au -S. au -Wallaert,Wallaert,Wallaert,B. au -Hamidou,M。Y1-2011/03/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/37/37/3/3/714.abstract n2-向编辑:抗综合心理酶综合征(ASS)的特征是与间质性肺部疾病(ILD)和抗合成酶抗体有关的炎症性肌炎。其他症状,包括关节炎,Raynaud的现象和技工的手,也与屁股有关。已经描述了几种抗合成酶抗体1,其中抗JO1是最常见的。关于与抗threonyl-tRNA合成酶抗体(抗PL7)2-4相关的ASS的临床表现知之甚少,很可能是因为抗PL7抗体特别罕见(占5%的肌炎5),并且没有常规研究过去,我们进行了这项回顾性的多中心研究,以描述12例ASS的临床,射线照相和生物学表现。这项回顾性研究是在五家大学医院进行的。从2000 - 2010年开始,患者在气动学(n = 7)和内科(n = 5)中进行了跟踪。由于免疫实验室数据库,发现16例抗PL7阳性患者。 To exclude false-positive patients, we only included patients who successively tested positive for anti-PL7 twice (n = 13): the three patients tested only once did not disclose any symptoms in accordance with ASS. We excluded one patient for whom clinical data were missing. The 12 included patients tested positive for anti-PL7 antibodies at least twice by immunodot (immuno-DOT D-tek; Diasorin, Antony, France) and/or Western blot using protein extracts from Hep2 cells (n = 7 and n = 5, respectively). They presented with one or more ASS symptoms, including ILD and/or myositis. A search for anti-DNA and anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibodies was systematically performed, whereas rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated peptide were available in four and two patients, respectively.The characterisation of the ILD pattern was made by several radiologists who were all experienced in ILD and were based on the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society 2002 consensus 6.Pulmonary hypertension was suspected by … ER -