PT-日记文章Au -Leung,C.C。Au -Rieder,H.L。Au -Lange,C.Au -Yew,W.W。TI-用 分枝杆菌结核病治疗潜在感染:更新2010 AID -10.1183/09031936.00079310 DP- 2011年3月1日TA-欧洲呼吸道杂志PG -690--711--711 VI -37 IP -34099 -HTTP -HTTP:34099 -HTTP:// 4100 - so -eur Respir so -eur Respir j2011 J2011 3月1日;37 AB-关于结核分枝杆菌的潜在感染的潜在感染仍未清楚。现有的用于此疾病的免疫诊断工具具有各种局限性,最重要的是它们预测疾病的能力。在非HIV感染和HIV感染的受试者中,随机对照试验已确定了异烟肼治疗的保护性疗效6-12个月。虽然功效可能达到90%,但对延长治疗的接受和依从性却少于预期。利福平加吡唑胺2个月,尽管有效,但与非HIV感染者的肝毒性过量有关。Isoniazid Plus Rifampicin在3个月中已证明有效性,但不良反应可能比异念珠菌或利福平单一疗法更频繁。利福平单一疗法3-4个月的耐受性良好,但目前有限的功效数据限制,并且由于可能选择利福平耐药突变体而担心。 For contacts of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, expert opinions differ on whether to treat with at least two drugs or just a fluoroquinolone, and for how long. With the existing diagnostic and treatment tools, efficacy of preventive therapy does not necessarily translate into field effectiveness. A targeted approach is required to maximise cost-effectiveness. Each geographic region needs to set its own priority after taking into account available scientific data and local circumstances.