AU - Zappala, C. J. AU - Latsi, P. I. AU - Nicholson, A. G. AU - Colby, T. V. AU - Cramer, D. AU - Renzoni, E. A. AU - Hansell, D. M. AU - du Bois, R. M. AU - Wells,答:美国TI -边际用力肺活量下降与一个贫穷的结果在特发性肺纤维化援助- 10.1183/09031936.00155108 DP - 2010年4月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 830 - 836 - 35的IP - 4 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Eur Respir J2010 4月1日;35 AB -在特发性肺纤维化(IPF)的治疗研究中,肺功能测试(pft)显著改变的低患病率是一个主要的限制因素。评估了IPF和纤维化非特异性间质性肺炎(NSIP)中pft“边缘”变化的预后价值。在活检证实的IPF (n = 84)和NSIP (n = 72)患者中,强迫肺活量(FVC)和肺一氧化碳扩散能力(DL,CO)趋势在6个月时被归类为“显著”(FVC >10%;DL,CO >15%)或“边际”(FVC 5-10%;DL公司7.5 - -15%)。比例风险分析和时间依赖的受术者工作特征方法被用来检验PFT对死亡率的趋势。IPF中,有22例(26%)FVC显著下降,19例(23%)边缘下降。 Mortality was higher in patients with a significant decline in FVC (hazard ratio (HR) 2.80, 95% CI 1.54–5.06; p<0.001) and those with a marginal decline in FVC (HR 2.31, 95% CI 1.19–4.50; p = 0.01) than in those with stable disease. Progression-free survival was lower when the decline in FVC was marginal than in stable disease (HR 2.34, 95% CI 1.19–4.60; p = 0.01). Marginal changes in DL,CO in IPF and marginal changes in FVC and DL,CO in fibrotic NSIP did not provide useful prognostic information. Marginal change in FVC in IPF denotes a poor outcome. These findings are applicable to clinical practice and to the selection of patients with more progressive disease for therapeutic studies.