大麻对肺功能的影响:以人群为基础的队列研究摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 42欧元OP 47做10.1183/09031936.00065009 VO 35是1 A1188bet官网地址汉考克斯,r . J . A1 Poulton r . A1伊利,m . A1韦尔奇,d . A1泰勒,d . r . A1克劳克兰,c . r . A1格林,J·m·莫菲特A1 t.e. A1 Caspi, a A1西尔斯,大麻对肺功能的影响尚不清楚,可能与烟草不同。我们在一个以人群为基础的队列(n = 1,037)中比较了这些物质的使用与肺功能之间的相关性。18岁、21岁、26岁和32岁的人吸食大麻和烟草。32岁时测定肺活量、体积描记术和一氧化碳转移因子。肺功能与暴露于每种物质之间的关联被调整为暴露于其他物质。累积使用大麻与较高的强迫肺活量、总肺活量、功能性残余容量和残余容积有关。大麻也与较高的气道阻力有关,但与1秒内用力呼气量、用力呼气比或转移因子无关。这些发现在不吸烟的人群中也相似。 In contrast, tobacco use was associated with lower forced expiratory volume in 1 s, lower forced expiratory ratio, lower transfer factor and higher static lung volumes, but not with airway resistance. Cannabis appears to have different effects on lung function from those of tobacco. Cannabis use was associated with higher lung volumes, suggesting hyperinflation and increased large-airways resistance, but there was little evidence for airflow obstruction or impairment of gas transfer.