Ty -jour t1-淋巴结炎在结节病中的venoatrial压缩JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1188 LP -1191 do -10.1183/09031936.00189209 vl -35 is -35 is -35 is -5 au -5 au -Morawiec,e. au -au -au -au -auchulla -hachulla -lemaire,A-L。Au -Chabrol,J.Au -Rémy -Jardin,M.Au -au -Wallaert,B. Y1- 2010/05/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/35/35/5/1188.1188.ABSTRARTS N2-对编辑者:结节病中的胸腔淋巴结肿大通常显示出特征和知名的特征,例如对称的造琴分布和非屈服性。然而,压缩淋巴结肿大被称为疾病的非典型但可能的表现。几个病例报告和审查先前已经报道了LOBAR或分段支气管,肺动脉分支,上腔静脉或左喉静脉复发神经1-4的压缩。据我们所知,从未描述过心脏的压缩。我们在这里报告了四例结节病病例的临床,形态和功能特征,并由大量的下肺淋巴结引起的静脉压缩。根据美国胸腔学会(ATS)/欧洲呼吸学会(ERS)/世界结节病和其他肉芽肿性疾病(WASOG)标准5的诊断,是根据美国胸部学会(ATS)/欧洲呼吸学协会(ERS)/世界诊断。188bet官网地址并最终演变为第二阶段。 Three patients had stage two sarcoidosis; one of them displayed characteristic skin involvement, another one cervical lymphadenopathy and possible muscular involvement. In the third patient, disease was limited to the thorax, and evolved into stage four during follow-up. Venoatrial compression became apparent on computed tomography (CT) scans performed during follow-up. All patients complained of increased shortness of breath on exercise at that time. CT scan (fig. 1⇓) showed enlarged subcarinal lymphadenopathy, compressing the left atrial posterior wall, giving it a straight or convex shape. Extrinsic compression of one or several pulmonary veins was also noticed for three patients, inducing stenosis of up to 50% (table 1⇓). Parenchymal involvement of sarcoidosis was also increased in all patients, but remained moderate for patients one and four. For these two patients, the pulmonary functional tests … ER -