Ty -jour t1-艾滋病毒与抗结核耐药性JF之间的关联JF-欧洲呼吸杂志Jo -Eur Respir J SP -718 LP -718 LP -725 DO -10.1183/09031936.00022308au -kruijshaar,M。E. au -ditah,I。C. au -delpech,V。au -au -abubakar,I。y1-2008/09/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/32/32/32/718.abstractN2-在英国,HIV被认为是抗结核药物耐药性的危险因素。但是,该关联的证据尚无定论,人口级数据很少。本研究调查了1999 - 2005年期间英格兰和威尔士的协会。成人的全国结核监测数据与艾滋病毒/艾滋病报告相匹配。假定无与伦比的病例是HIV阴性。对新的结核病病例和先前诊断的病例进行了单独的分析。逻辑回归用于单变量和多变量分析。有1,657例先前诊断的病例(80例HIV阳性)和18,130例新病例(1,156例HIV阳性)。 Isoniazid resistance was found in 8.1% of previously diagnosed cases and 6.6% of new cases, and multidrug resistance in 2.8% and 0.7%, respectively. There was no evidence of an association between HIV and antituberculosis drug resistance among previously diagnosed cases. Among new cases, there was no overall association between HIV and isoniazid or multidrug resistance after adjusting for confounding factors. White HIV-positive patients were more likely to have multidrug resistance, but numbers were small. In contrast to some previous studies, this large, up-to-date study provides little evidence that HIV co-infected tuberculosis patients in England and Wales are at increased risk of firstline antituberculosis drug resistance. ER -