PT -期刊文章盟Reichenberger f . AU - Voswinckel r . AU - Steveling e . AU -恩科,b . AU - Kreckel, a . AU - Olschewski h . AU - Grimminger f . AU -西格,w . AU - Ghofrani h·a·TI -西地那非治疗portopulmonary高血压援助- 10.1183 / 09031936.06.00030206 DP - 2006年9月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 563 - 567 - 28 IP - 3 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2006 9月01;28 AB - Portopulmonary高血压(POPH)被认为是一种亚型肺动脉高血压(PAH);然而,建立了多环芳烃疗法没有这个条件的评估。当前作者治疗14例(4男,10女;意味着55岁(范围)(39 - 75)岁),中等(n = 1)或严重(n = 13) POPH引起酒精性肝病(n = 7),慢性病毒性肝炎(n = 3),自身免疫性肝炎(n = 3),肝的表现遗传性出血性teleangiectasia与口服西地那非(n = 1)。八个病人刚开始肺血管活性的治疗,而六名病人已经吸入治疗前列腺素类(iloprost, n = 5;treprostinil, n = 1)。与西地那非治疗期间,意味着±6分钟步行试验的距离sd从312±111米增加到397±99 3个月后,和407±97后12个月。平均数±标准差pro-brain利钠肽水平减少582±315 ng·mL-1 230±278 ng·mL-1,和189±274 ng·mL-1 3和12个月后,分别。两个病人1和2个月后死于肝功能衰竭和心脏衰竭,分别。 There was a similar response to sildenafil treatment after 3 and 12 months in patients on monotherapy and those on combination therapy. In conclusion, sildenafil might be effective in monotherapy and in combination therapy with inhaled prostanoids in portopulmonary hypertension, leading to significant improvement by 3 months and sustained response over 12 months.