PT - 杂志Au-ding,L-W。Au - Wang,H-C。Au - Wu,H-D。Au - Chang,C-J。Au - Yang,P-C。Ti - 喉微震:一种预测拔管后脱硫的有用方法。初步研究AID - 10.1183 / 09031936.06.00029605 DP - 2006 2月1日TA - 欧洲呼吸杂志PG - 384--389 VI - 27 IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - // so - 欧元reshir J2006 2月01;27 AB - 袖带泄漏试验广泛用于预拔下后脱硫的预测,但有争议的结果限制了其临床应用。目前的研究使用了实时超声检查来评估空气泄漏并假设通过超声检查测量的空气柱宽度可能与后拔发式前倾的发展相关。从2001年6月1日至2002年3月1日,共有51分连续插管的患者51个计划拔管都包括在内。 All of the patients received ultrasonographical examinations of their vocal cords and larynx in addition to an air-column width measurement within 24 h prior to extubation. The overall post-extubation stridor rate was 7.8%. The air-leak volume presented as median (interquartile range) were 300 (350) mL and 25 (20) mL, respectively, for the nonstridor and stridor groups. The air-column width during cuff deflation was 6.4 (2) mm and 4.5 (0.8) mm, respectively. They were found to be statistically significant. In conclusion, the authors demonstrated that laryngeal ultrasonography could be a reliable, noninvasive method, in the evaluation of vocal cords, laryngeal morphology and the ease of airflow, which passed through vocal cords or subglottic area due to laryngeal oedema. The air-column width during cuff deflation was a potential predictor of post-extubation stridor.