Ty -jour t1-严重阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停睡眠期间心率的压力反射控制:急性CPAP JF的效果 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -128 LP -128 LP -135 DO -10.1183/09031936.06.0006.00042904 VL -271 au -bonsignore,M。R. au -parati,G。au -instalaco,G。au -castiglioni,P。au -Marrone,O。au -au -au -au -au -au -s. au -salvaggio-Salvaggio,A.Au -Mancia -Mancia,G.Au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au-Bonsignore,G。Au -di Rienzo,M。Y1-2006/01/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/content/27/1/1/128.abstract n2-睡眠期间的心率(BaroreFlex)的Baroreflex控制敏感性; BRS)已显示出在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)中抑郁症,并在连续阳性气道压力(CPAP)处理后改善。CPAP是否还会在简单的严重OSA中急性影响BRS,仍然值得商bat。在基线和首次使用CPAP应用期间,在夜间多摄影术期间监测了血压。通过序列方法分析自发BRS,并估计为平均序列斜率。CPAP不会急剧影响平均血压或心率,而是在睡眠期间降低心血管变异性。在CPAP应用过程中,平均BR略有增加(从6.5±2.4增加到7.5±2.9 ms·MmHg -1),主要是因为响应降低血压。BRS的变化与动脉氧饱和度或呼吸暂停指数的变化无关。 The small change in baroreflex control of heart rate during sleep at first application of continuous positive airway pressure in severe obstructive sleep apnoea was unrelated to the acute resolution of nocturnal hypoxaemia, and might reflect autonomic adjustments to positive intrathoracic pressure, and/or improved sleep architecture. The small increase in baroreflex control of heart rate during sleep may be of clinical relevance as it was accompanied by reduced cardiovascular variability, which is acknowledged as an independent cardiovascular risk factor. ER -