TY - T1的调查和管理慢性咳嗽使用概率算法JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 235 LP - 243 - 10.1183 / 09031936.05.00140803六世- 25 - 2非盟Kastelik J . a . AU -阿齐兹,即非盟- Ojoo J . c . AU -汤普森,r·h . AU -顿,a . e . AU - Morice慢性咳嗽是一种常见的痛苦症状。已经开发了一种用于慢性咳嗽管理的新算法,在该算法中,对疾病的临床概率的评估决定了进行调查的必要性。在本研究中,对该算法在临床实践中的性能进行了前瞻性评价。共有131名连续转介的患者(86名女性),其主要表现为持续8周的咳嗽。他们的年龄(中位数(范围))为60(16-88)岁,咳嗽持续时间为5.9(0.2-65)年。93%的病例确定了咳嗽的原因。最常见的诊断是哮喘(24%)、胃食管疾病(22%)、病毒后咳嗽(8%)、支气管扩张(8%)和间质性肺病(8%)。原发肺部疾病明显更可能发生在多产性咳嗽和胸部x线片异常的患者。只有一小部分(<8%)患者有多种原因的咳嗽。 The probability of treatment started on the basis of a high clinical suspicion of either asthma, gastro-oesophageal disease or rhinitis being successful was 74%. Overall, 26% of the patients were managed successfully without the need for any form of investigation other than chest radiography and spirometry. Use of the algorithm resulted in identification of the cause of cough and successful treatment in the large majority of cases. It is concluded that this protocol has the potential to improve management by providing a structured approach, reducing the number of investigations performed, and minimising unnecessary delays in treatment. ER -