ty -jour t1-与睡眠相关的呼吸障碍:对脑血管疾病死亡率JF的影响 - 欧洲呼吸杂志O. au -arboix,A。Au -Montserrat,J.M.Au -Quintó,L.Au -Bechich,S.Au -García -eroles,L.Y1- 2004/2004/08/01 UR -http://erj.ersjournals。com/content/24/2/267.Abstract N2-该研究的目的是分析与睡眠相关的呼吸障碍在2年生存的随访中,对有史以来首次中风或短暂性缺血性攻击的患者的影响。该研究跟随161名患者。进行完整的神经系统评估是为了确定脑血管危险因素,功能障碍以及实质和血管定位以及中风亚型分类。使用便携式呼吸记录装置进行了睡眠研究。在平均22.8个月内,整个队列遵循。主要结果是自神经事件以来的死亡和生存时间。估计了多元COX的模型。患者年龄在72±9岁(平均值±SD),体重指数为26.6±3.9 kg·M -2和呼吸暂停/呼吸暂停指数(AHI),为21.2±15.7。 Overall, mortality occurred in 22 cases, and the survival rate was 86.3%. Vascular disease accounted for 63.6% of deaths. Multivariate analysis selected four independent variables associated with mortality: 1) age; 2) AHI, with an implied 5% increase in mortality risk for each additional unit of AHI; 3) involvement of the middle cerebral artery; and 4) the presence of coronary disease. In conclusion, the findings suggest that sleep-related breathing disorders are an independent prognostic factor related to mortality after a first episode of stroke. This study was supported by grants from the Sociedad Española de Patologia del Aparato Respiratorio (Barcelona, Spain) in 1995 and 2001 and by grant RR-ISCIII-RTCI (Instituto Carlos III, Madrid, Spain). ER -