TY - T1的自发性气胸在一个24岁的女性摩根富林明——欧洲呼吸杂志乔-欧元和J SP - 575 LP - 580 - 10.1183 / 09031936.05.00067504六世- 25 - 3盟Battistini e . AU - Gambini c . AU -罗西,美国g . AU -法齐奥,l . AU - Catrambone美国非盟- Pittaluga g . AU -托马,p . AU -罗西,g . a . Y1 - 2005/03/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/25/3/575.abstract N2 - 24-yr-old白人女性5月评估,2003年在圣马蒂诺医院,热那亚,意大利,因为出现“突然发作”的胸痛和非生产性咳嗽。既往病史仅以经常头痛为特征。患者从6-20岁开始打竞技网球,退役后,过去4年一直吸烟(0.5包·天−1)。该患者未生育,并报告在最近3年使用口服避孕药。否认任何呼吸道症状,包括咳嗽、呼吸短促或运动时身体受限。入院时,患者无呼吸困难,体格检查显示左半胸呼吸音轻微减少。心音正常,无青紫、棒状或水肿。腹部无扩张,无压痛,无杂音,肝脾肿物或肿块。没有局灶性神经学发现。 The patient had normal body temperature with normal values of blood pressure, pulse and respirations and transcutaneous blood gas determination in room air showed normal arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tension. A chest radiograph demonstrated the presence of a left-sided pneumothorax. Blood tests were within normal values. After successful chest drainage, the patient was discharged. After a period of 2 weeks, in June 2003, the patient was evaluated in the outpatient clinic at the G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, complaining of a persistent mild pain on the left hemithorax. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans (figs 1a⇓ and b) and pulmonary function tests (fig. 3⇓; table 1⇓) were performed and a follow-up re-evaluation was planned after 6–7 months. The patient did not complain of any symptoms until mid-December 2003, when a sudden onset left-sided chest pain was again experienced along with mild dyspnoea, but a chest radiograph failed to demonstrate the … ER -