TY - T1的老年人增加oro-nasal在睡眠时呼吸JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 71 LP - 77 - 10.1183 / 09031936.04.00004303六世- 24 - 1 AU Madronio核磁共振AU - Di外轮山,e . AU - Stavrinou r . AU - Kirkness,摩根大通(J.P.盟金翅雀,e . AU -惠特利,jr AU - ami, T.C. Y1 - 2004/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/24/1/71.abstract N2 -睡眠呼吸途径研究很少,然而,它在睡眠呼吸障碍的病理生理学中具有潜在的重要性。使用夜间多导睡眠描记术,使用单独的鼻和口腔热电偶探针,从41名受试者(打鼾者和不打鼾者;男25人,女16人;年龄在20 - 66岁)。清醒、直立、吸气鼻阻力(Rn)采用后鼻测压法测量。每个30‐s睡眠阶段(不受呼吸暂停/低呼吸影响)根据是否存在鼻和/或口腔呼吸进行评分。一夜之间,七名受试者采用鼻呼吸,一名受试者采用口鼻呼吸,其余受试者在鼻呼吸和口鼻呼吸之间切换。仅口服呼吸很少发生。鼻呼吸期占总睡眠期的55.79 (69.78)% (%TSE; median (interquartile range)), a value not significantly different to that for oro-nasal (TSE: 44.21 (68.66)%). Oro-nasal breathing was not related to snoring, sleep stage, posture, body mass index, height, weight, Rn (2.19 (1.77) cm H2O·L−1·sec−1) or sex, but was positively associated with age. Subjects ≥40 yrs were approximately six times more likely than younger subjects to spend >50% of sleep epochs utilising oro-nasal breathing. Ageing is associated with an increasing occurrence of oro-nasal breathing during sleep. The study was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia ER -