TY - JOUR T1 - 中老年人空气污染的影响:引入JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO - EUR呼吸杂志SP - 1S LP - 2S DO - 10.1183 / 09031936.03.00000003 VL - 21 - 40增刊AU - Decramer,M. AU- Loddenkemper,R. AU - 的Boe,J. AU - 罗卡,J. AU - Zelter,M. Y1 - 2003年5月1日UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/21/40_suppl/1s。抽象N2 - 在1998年欧洲呼吸学会(ERS)国188bet官网地址会M. Decramer日内瓦(在科学计划委员会主席时)和R. Loddenkemper(总统)有想法遵循的活性的新途径Society: i.e. to foster the participation of the European respirologists in the research activity funded by the European Union. They asked A. Davies, an experienced British retired professor of molecular biology, to be the ERS consultant for the European Union (EU)-related activities, and gathered a bunch of ERS members. Among them, G. Viegi (a respiratory epidemiologist, newly elected Head of the Occupation and Epidemiology Assembly) and T. Sandström (a pulmonary physician and basic scientist, member of the Occupational and Environmental Health Working Group) were invited to submit a project on air pollution effects. They identified the elderly (i.e. ≥65 yrs) as a segment of the general population which might be particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution and for whom there was lack of knowledge, according to the MEDLINE search. G. Viegi and T. Sandström prepared, with the invaluable assistance of T. Davies, a proposal which was submitted to the EU in October 1999, approved in April 2000 and the contract started to be effective in October 2000. The proposal concerned holding a conference as an accompanying measure to Key Action 4, Environment and Health, of the Quality of Life work program. A … ER -