%0期刊论文%A西蒙尼,M.%A Jaakkola,M.S。%A Carrozzi,L.%A巴达西,S.%A狄PEDE,F.%A Viegi,G.%T室内空气污染和呼吸健康的老年人%d 2003%R 10.1183 / 09031936.03.00403603%Ĵ欧洲呼吸杂志%P 15S-20S%V 21%N 40%增刊××人花费他们的日常时间是在室内的≥80-90%,老年人尤其是在主场。因此,研究室内空气污染物对健康可能的影响,并考虑其对人类总暴露的贡献是非常重要的。这份报告总结了三种常见的室内空气污染物,可吸入悬浮颗粒物,二氧化氮和环境烟草烟雾对健康的影响的现有知识,重点对成年人和老年人。也将报告曝光分布和在意大利的普通人群进行了两个小组的研究老年受试者这些污染物对健康的影响的初步结果。两个室内污染的研究在波河三角洲地区在意大利北部进行(428个科目和140楼调查的房屋)和比萨在意大利中部(761个科目和282间房屋调查)。Individuals aged ≥65 yrs spent a significantly larger number of hours at home than the other age groups both in winter and in summer. A trend of higher occurrence of acute respiratory symptoms in the presence of environmental tobacco smoke was shown in comparison to the unexposed elderly both in winter (31 versus 29%) and summer (33 versus 16%). The occurrence of acute respiratory symptoms was consistently higher in relation to the high respirable suspended particles-index exposure compared to low exposure (33 versus 27% in winter, 27 versus 21% in summer). Both the presence of environmental tobacco smoke at home and exposure to the high respirable suspended particles-index were associated with a decrease in the mean daily peak expiratory flow. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/21/40_suppl/15s.full.pdf