@Article {Paraskakis951,作者= {Paraskakis,E。和Sourvinos,G。和Passam,F。和Tzanakis,N。和Tzortzaki,例如以及Zervou,M。和Spandidos,D。和Siafakas,N.M.},title = {Microsatellite DNA不稳定性和支气管哮喘中的杂合性丧失,体积= {22},number = {6},页面= {951--95555},年= {2003},doi = {10.1183/09031936.03.00010503},Publisher = {欧洲呼吸社会}188bet官网地址,摘要= {遗传变化,例如杂合性(LOH)或Microsatellite Entranitie(MI),已报道在恶性和良性疾病中。为了鉴定哮喘中的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)突变的基因座,在痰细胞中研究了MI和LOH。从痰中的细胞中提取DNA,并从22例中度哮喘患者的血细胞中提取DNA。使用18个染色体5Q,6P,11Q,14Q上的18个多态性标记对细胞进行MI和LOH分析。还在六个健康受试者中进行了微卫星分析。没有一个健康的个体表现出任何遗传改变。在22名哮喘患者中有16例(73 \%)发现了遗传改变。 In total, 12 (54.5\%) patients exhibited LOH only, one (4.5\%) MI only, while three showed both MI and LOH. The highest incidence of LOH and MI was found on chromosome 14q. Mean immunoglobulin E and blood eosinophil levels were significantly higher in asthmatics with three or more genetic alterations. A high incidence of genetic alterations in the deoxyribonucleic acid of the sputum cells was found in asthmatic patients. Further studies are needed to identify the role of loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability in the investigation of genetic susceptibility of asthma and thus, in its pathogenesis.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/6/951}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/6/951.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }