Pt - Journal文章Au - Rigau,J. Au - Burgos,F. Au - Hernández,C.Au - Roca,J.Au - Navajas,D.Au - Farré,R.TI - Ti-Ti-Ti-Insulvis Instvis Intruds的自我测试患者家用援助强制振荡 - 10.1183 / 09031936.03.0001031936.03.0001031936.03.000103936.03.00010303 DP - 2003年10月1日TA - 欧洲呼吸期刊PG - 668--671 VI - 22 IP - 4 4099 - // 4100 - // so - 欧元reshir J2003 10月01日;22 AB - 由于不需要有源患者合作,强制振荡技术(FOT)可能适用于测量常规家庭应用中的气道阻塞。尽管如此,患者的家中从未用于迄今为止。本研究的目的是评估在家中常规患者自我测试中测量的呼吸抗性(RRS)的FOT的可行性和再现性。共有九名哮喘患者用便携式的手术装置和肺炎,在早晚和过夜之前和之后,用便携式的手术装置和肺炎患者自我测量其RRS。在每次测量会话期间,患者进行了四次连续的FOT测量。GRUBBS的检测异常值的无声测试用于评估繁殖可靠性。只有4.9%的患者报告的RRS数据被拒绝作为人工制品。RRS的变异系数为7.9±6.3%(平均值±SD)。 When compared with spirometry, the per cent change in Rrs for detecting a positive bronchodilator response showed an 83% sensitivity and 72% specificity. Unsupervised self-measurement of respiratory resistance at the patient's home provided results similar to those obtained by a technician in a lung function lab. Forced oscillation technique could be a useful tool for the routine follow-up of asthmatic patients at home. This work was supported in part by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (SAF2002-03616), Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias (99-0034-03) and Red Respira C03/11 SEPAR-99 and the European Commission (CHRONIC, V Program, IST_DG XIII, 1999-12158).