TY - JOUR T1 -机械通气患者呼吸阻力监测成分JF -欧洲呼吸杂志JO - Eur Respir J SP - 1538 LP - 1544 DO - 10.1183/09031936.02.00000802 VL - 20 IS - 6 AU - Babik, B. AU - Peták, F. AU - Asztalos, T. AU - Deák, Z.I. AU - Bogáts, G. AU - Hantos,Z. Y1 - 2002/12/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/20/6/1538.abstract N2 -在机械通气过程中,通常采用中断器技术监测呼吸阻力(Rrs,int);然而,Rrs,int通常被解释为气道阻力(Raw)的指标。本研究比较了39例正在接受择期冠状动脉搭桥手术的呼吸参数正常患者的西门子940肺力学监测仪提供的Rrs,int值与总呼吸阻抗(Zrs)参数。Zrs在气道开口处测定,吸气结束时为0.2 - 6hz的伪随机振荡。通过模型拟合得到Zrs数据的生阻和组织阻(Rti);按实际呼吸器频率计算Rti和总阻力(Rrs,osc=Raw+Rti)。通过测量气管压来估计下气道阻力(Rawl)。虽然Rrs,osc与Rrs,int的一致性较好,比值为1.07±0.19 (mean±sd),但相关性较差(r2=0.36)。Rrs、osc(分别为39.8±11.9和43.0±6.9%)中Rti和Raw的设备组分占绝大部分,Rawl仅占少部分(17.2±6.3%)。 It is concluded that respiratory resistance may become very insensitive to changes in lower airway resistance and therefore, inappropriate for following alterations in airway tone during mechanical ventilation, especially in patients with relatively normal respiratory mechanics, where the tissue and equipment resistances represent the vast majority of the total resistance. This study was supported by Ministry of Health grant No. 591/1996 06. ER -