@article {admyre578,作者= {Admyre,C。和Grunewald,J。和Thyberg,J。和Gripenb {\“ A} Ck,S。和Tornling,G。和Eklund,A。和Scheynius,A。A.和Gabrielsson,,S。},title = {具有主要组织相容性复杂的II类和共同刺激分子的外泌体中存在于人类BAL液体中,体积= {22},number = {4},页面= {578--583},年,年= {2003},doi = {10.1183/09031936.03.00041703},Publisher = {欧洲188bet官网地址呼吸社会},摘要= {exosomes是30 {\ textEndEndash} 100 nm直径囊,由几个细胞和几个细胞形成的细胞形成,并形成。来自DCS的T-Cells,B细胞和树突状细胞(DC)的类型来自DCS的外泌体表达主要的组织相容性复合物(MHC)I类和II类,以及表面上的共刺激分子,并可以诱导抗原特异性的激活T细胞。本研究的目的是调查健康个体的支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中的外泌体,并确定如果这些外泌体带有MHC和共刺激分子。作者分析了从七名健康志愿者那里获得的BALF,并从单核细胞来源的DC(MDDC)培养物中使用了外泌体作为参考。超速离心后,外泌体与抗MHC II类涂层磁珠结合,并通过流式细胞仪和电子显微镜进行分析。作者首次报告说外泌体存在于BALF中。这些外泌体类似于MDDC衍生的外泌体,因为它们表达了MHC I和II,CD54,CD63和共刺激分子CD86。 The results demonstrate that exosomes are present in the lung, and since they contain both major histocompatibility complex and co-stimulatory molecules it is likely that they are derived from antigen presenting cells and might have a regulatory role in local immune defence. This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council (grants no. 16x-7924, 74x-14182, and 6537), the Swedish Council for Work Life Sciences, the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association{\textquoteright}s Research Foundation, the Hesselman Foundation, Konsul TH Bergs Foundation, the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation, the V{\r a}rdal Foundation, the Centre for Allergy Research at Karolinska Institutet, the King Oscar II Jubilee Foundation, the King Gustaf V 80th Birthday Fund and the Karolinska Institutet.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/4/578}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/4/578.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }