作者@article {Pijnenburg919 = {M.W.H.Pijnenburg E.T. Lissenberg和w . Hofhuis l . Ghiro W.C.J.跳和防水的荷兰J.C. de Jongste}, title ={呼出一氧化氮测量与动态流量限制在4岁儿童{\ textendash} 8岁},体积={20}={4},页面= {919 - 924}= {2002},doi ={10.1183 / 09031936.02.01282002} ={欧洲呼吸学会},出版商文摘={分数呼出一氧化氮浓度(FEno)取决于呼气流量;188bet官网地址然而,孩子们常常无法执行控制流程序。因此,设备开发离线FEno抽样,用动态流动限制(DFR)。作者比较了离线和在线FEno,评估可行性,获得正常的值FEno在4岁儿童{\ textendash} 8岁。受试者吸入一氧化氮(NO)无空气和呼出到设备,DFR保持呼气流量恒定在50毫升{\ textperiodcentered} s - 1。死腔空气丢弃。呼出空气中收集150毫升聚酯薄膜气球。进行在线测量和价值观与离线FEno 19个成人志愿者。七十九名儿童进行离线取样。 All samples were analysed with a chemiluminescence NO-analyser. Normal values were obtained in 34 healthy children. There was an excellent correlation between on- and off-line values. Bland and Altman plots showed good agreement between on- and off-line FEno. Seventy-four out of 79 children were able to perform a correct off-line procedure. Geometric mean{\textpm}sem FEno in healthy children was 4.9{\textpm}1.2 parts per billion (ppb) for male children and 7.6{\textpm}1.1 ppb for female children. It can be concluded that off-line fraction of exhaled nitric oxide measurements with dynamic flow restriction are feasible in young children and correspond to on-line values. M.W.H. Pijnenburg was supported by a grant from the Dutch Asthma Foundation and L. Ghiro was supported by a grant of the Italian Nitric Oxide Club (INOC).}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/20/4/919}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/20/4/919.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }