TY - T1的宝宝咳嗽和可怜的喂养JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 182 LP - 185 - 10.1183 / 09031936.03.00105402六世- 22 - 1 AU - Sonnappa, s . AU -科恩,g . AU -拉姆齐,A . AU - Dinwiddie r . AU -杰夫,A. Y1 - 2003/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/1/182.abstract N2 -一名9周大的女婴因咳嗽和喂养不良10天就诊于当地医院。胎儿扫描正常,怀孕过程很顺利。该婴儿经阴道正常分娩足月出生,体重3.23公斤,美国儿科总体评估记录评分良好,出生第二天就被送回家。在此之前,她没有表现出呼吸道症状,并保持良好的生长。经复查,婴儿无发热,无呼吸窘迫。胸部听诊显示左侧呼吸音减少。其余体检结果均不显著。动脉血氧饱和度为97%。首次胸部CT结果见图1⇓。 Unfortunately, the initial chest radiograph was “lost”.Fig. 1.— Initial computed tomography of the chest showing: a) upper and b) lower lung lobes. One week later, the baby underwent thoracotomy and resection. A chest radiograph taken the day prior to surgery is shown in figure 2⇓.Fig. 2.— Preoperative chest radiograph. The histopathology of the lesion is shown in figure 3⇓.Fig. 3.— Histopathology of lung lesion (haematoxylin and eosin stain). Scale bars a) 200 µm and b) 100 µm. BEFORE TURNING THE PAGE, INTERPRET THE RADIOGRAPHS, COMPUTED TOMOGRAM OF THE CHEST AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL RESULTS AND SUGGEST DIAGNOSIS AND … ER -