PT-期刊文章Au -El -Zein,M.Au -Malo,J -L。Au -Infante -Rivard,C。au -Gautrin,D。Ti-可能职业哮喘的发生率和气道口径的变化以及学徒焊工的响应能力 - 10.1183/09031936.03.0000090903513--518 VI -22 IP -3 4099 - 4100 -。22 AB-大多数横断面研究表明,焊工中通气障碍的患病率更高,而只有少量的纵向研究才能检测到对肺活量法或支气管响应性的慢性影响。该研究的目的是确定286名进入焊接专业学徒计划的学生的可能职业哮喘(OA),支气管阻塞和过度反应的发生率。这项流行病学前瞻性队列研究包括基线评估调查和两次随访评估。每次访问时都会进行呼吸症状问卷。在暴露之前,在平均15个月的学徒期之前,肺活量测定法和支气管挑战测试结果有194名受试者。可能的OA发生率约为3%(194中的6)。支气管高反应性的发生率定义为挑衅性浓度≥3.2倍,从研究结束到结束的一秒钟内强迫呼气量下降了20%,为11.9%。 A statistically significant difference was found between the baseline and end of study for the lung function values. In particular, the forced expiratory volume per cent predicted had significantly dropped by 8.4% on average. The significance of these early pulmonary function changes in relation to possible chronic effects of exposure to welding fumes and gases remains to be explored. This study was supported by L'Association Pulmonaire du Québec. M. El-Zein is a PhD student funded by the Max-Stern Recruitment Fellowship, McGill University and by the McAbbie Foundation Fellowship, Université de Montréal. D. Gautrin is a research scholar with the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec.