Ty -jour t1-预测早年生命中喘息的儿童持续性疾病 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -767 LP -771 LP -771 DO -10.1183/09031936.03.00336.03.00005903 VL -22Au -Matthews,S.Au -Holgate,S.T。Au -Arshad,S.H。Y1-2003/11/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/5/767.abstract N2-本研究试图确定影响早期持久性持续时间的因素,直到10年龄并创建一个分数,以识别那些持续疾病风险最高的人。在整个人口出生队列研究中,出生时发现了儿童1、2、4和10年(n = 1,456)。前瞻性地收集了有关喘息率的信息,并将受试者分类为喘息的表型。记录了早期生命遗传和环境危险因素,并在4年内进行了皮肤化测试(SPT)。在逻辑回归中确定了持续喘息的独立重要因素,并用于创造持久性的分数。从前4年到10岁的喘息的持久性发生在37%的早期生命中。 Independent significance for persistence was associated with asthmatic family history, atopic SPT at 4 yrs and recurrent chest infections at 2 yrs, whilst recurrent nasal symptoms at 1 yr conferred reduced risk. A cumulative risk score using these factors identified wheezing persistence in 83% scoring 4 and transience in 80% scoring 0. Thus, a combination of genetic predisposition, early life atopy and recurrent chest infections favours the persistence of early life wheezing. Risk scores using such knowledge could provide prognostic guidance on the outcome of early wheeze. This study was funded by the National Asthma Campaign, UK, grant number 364. The 10‐yr follow-up was also funded with their assistance. ER -