TY -的T1对婴儿潮呼吸参数的评估与囊性纤维化JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 761 LP - 766 - 10.1183 / 09031936.03.00024703六世- 22 - 5盟Ranganathan南卡罗来纳州AU - Goetz,即非盟- Hoo f。盟——亮度,s . AU -城堡,r . AU -股票,j . AU -和伦敦协作囊性纤维化组Y1 - 2003/11/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/22/5/761.abstract N2 -简单的方法需要评估肺功能与囊性纤维化(CF)的婴儿。这项研究确定了潮汐呼吸与更复杂的强迫呼气动作之间的关系。健康婴儿和患有CF的婴儿分别从两家产科医院和五家CF专科医院招募。测定镇静婴儿的呼吸频率、潮气量、分通气量和潮气量比(TPTEF:TE),并与容积提升法测定的0.4秒用力呼气量(FEV0.4)进行比较。共招募年龄、性别、种族和母亲吸烟暴露比例相近的健康婴儿95例和CF婴儿47例。健康婴儿和CF婴儿的TPTEF:TE和潮气量没有差异。CF婴儿的分钟通气明显更大,因为呼吸频率平均(95%置信区间)增加了5.8 (3.2-8.4)min - 1。13例(28%)CF患儿呼吸频率升高> 2sd。然而,呼吸频率与FEV0.4之间没有关联。在鉴别囊性纤维化婴儿的气道功能下降时,潮汐呼吸比没有用处。 An elevated respiratory rate may be due in part to ventilation heterogeneity but is poorly predictive of diminished airway function measured by forced expiration. This work was supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, the Foundation for the Study of Sudden Infant Death, the Dunhill Medical Trust and Portex Ltd. Research at the Institute of Child Health benefits from research and development funding received from the National Health Service executives. ER -