TY -的T1 -更换气管插管患者的生理autoinhaled一氧化氮JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 677 LP - 681 - 10.1183 / 09031936.03.00068203六世- 21 - 4盟Rohrig l . AU -库仑,r . AU - Baumert J . AU - RossaintR. Y1 - 2003/04/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/21/4/677.abstract N2 -自吸入一氧化氮(NO)主要在上呼吸道产生。经口气管插管可阻断鼻、口咽对NO的自然自动吸入。研究了阻断和替代自体吸入NO对插管患者动脉氧合的影响。两组9名无肺部疾病的患者在麻醉期间使用0.50的吸气氧分数进行检查。测定两组患者全呼吸道和上呼吸道产生的NO。1组患者气管插管后5 min,更换正常上呼吸道自吸NO量。实验组上呼吸道NO含量为47±19 ppb (ppb),替代NO浓度为48±20 ppb。在自动吸入No的替换过程中,动脉氧张力没有明显的增加。血流动力学参数保持不变。 In the control group, the NO from the upper airways was 34±16 ppb. In contrast to the test group, it was not replaced after intubation. These findings suggest that in healthy subjects the autoinhalation of nitric oxide does not play an important role in arterial oxygenation during anaesthesia. ER -