@article {r {\“ o} hrig677,作者= {r {r {\” o}在插管患者}中,音量= {21},number = {4},pages = {677--681},年= {2003},doi = {10.1183/09031936.03.0003.00068203}188bet官网地址摘要= {自动一氧化氮(NO)主要在上部气道中产生。气管插管破坏了NASO和口咽的NO的自然自身自身自身。在插管患者中研究了破坏并取代自身氧合对动脉氧合的影响。在麻醉期间,使用启发的氧气分数为0.50,在麻醉期间检查了两组九组患者。在这两组中,确定了整个呼吸道的单独产生,并确定上部气道。一组气管插管后,从上部呼吸道上替换了通常从上呼吸道自动启动的数量。在测试组中,来自上呼吸道的NO量为47 {\ textpm}每十亿(ppb)的零件,而替换的no浓度为48 {\ textpm} 20 ppb。在替换自动纳哈尔NO期间,无法检测到动脉氧张力的显着增加。 Haemodynamic parameters remained unchanged. In the control group, the NO from the upper airways was 34{\textpm}16 ppb. In contrast to the test group, it was not replaced after intubation. These findings suggest that in healthy subjects the autoinhalation of nitric oxide does not play an important role in arterial oxygenation during anaesthesia.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/21/4/677}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/21/4/677.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }