PT-日记文章AU -Tegtmeyer,F.K。Au -Möller,J。Au -Zabel,P。TI-在具有脑膜炎球菌诱导的2岁女性中,表面活性剂抑制粒细胞激活 - 10.1183/09031936. -776--779 VI -19 IP -4 4099 - 4100 - SO -EUR RESTIR J2002 APR 01;19 AB-激活的多形核中性粒细胞(PMN)通过细胞外释放反应性细胞产物(如弹性酶)在急性呼吸遇险综合征(ARDS)中起着至关重要的作用。表面活性剂已被证明在恢复ARDS中的肺功能方面非常有价值。其免疫调节特性相对于这种作用的重要性尚未澄清。本研究的目的是确定ARDS婴儿表面活性剂给药的抗炎作用。在ARDS的急性阶段中,在同时获得的动脉和中央静脉血液样本中测量了与α1-蛋白酶抑制剂(E-α1PI)复合的PMN衍生弹性酶(E-α1PI)。在气管服用表面活性剂后,结果与肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF -α)和白介素6(IL -6)的氧需求和血浆浓度相关(肺泡®60mg·体重-1)。在目前的情况下,首次在动脉血(4.51 mg·L -1)中检测到E -α1PI浓度更高,而中央静脉血(2.28 mg·L -1)。 After administration of surfactant, these concentrations and the arteriovenous difference decreased, indicating that during ARDS, most PMN degranulation takes place in the pulmonary vascular bed and is inhibited by surfactant administration. Simultaneously, TNF‐α and IL‐6 plasma concentrations decreased within hours and lung function was restored. This local inhibition of polymorphonuclear neutrophil activation by exogenous surfactant may play a key role in the early improvement in lung function after surfactant administration.