TY - T1的药效学的稳态tiotropium慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 639 LP - 644 - 10.1183 / 09031936.02.00238002六世- 19 - 4盟van Noord J.A. AU -史密兹,J.J. AU -卡斯特F.L.J.盟——Korducki l . AU - Cornelissen P.J.G. Y1 - 2002/04/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/19/4/639.abstract N2 - tiotropium (Spiriva®)是一种新的每日一次吸入抗胆碱能的影响通过延长毒蕈碱的受体拮抗(M) 3。临床证明,长时间的动作与每日一次给药在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)。双盲,只有ipratropium-controlled研究是为了描述进行药效学的稳态tiotropium COPD患者。31例(男,25日六女),平均年龄62岁,意味着在一秒用力呼气量(FEV1) 1.13 L(预测的38%)被随机分配接受tiotropium 18µg每天换一次从干粉吸入器(HandiHaler®, 20名患者),或者ipratropium 40µg这位每天加压metered-dose吸入器(11例)一段1周。FEV1和用力肺活量(FVC)测定1 h之前,和前吸入(平均值的两个测量考试1基线值,在所有其他测试天槽值),和0.5,1,2,3,4,5,6 h后早晨的吸入剂研究药物(一个胶囊和两个泡芙)天1,2,3,8。槽FEV1 tiotropium 8天之后的0.19 L(18%)高于基线。大约有90%的增加在24小时之内就完成了第一剂量(0.17 L, 16%)。槽FVC增加0.67 L(27%)考试8。大约70%的观察改进后两个tiotropium剂量(0.47 L, 19%)。成就FVC的稳定状态被推迟而残。 Ipratropium performed typically with an onset of action within 30 min, a peak response between 1–2 h postdosing and a duration of action of ∼4 h. It was concluded that forced expiratory volume in one second steady state with tiotropium is reached within 48 h, while continued improvements in forced vital capacity can be expected over or beyond the first week of therapy. The continued increases in forced vital capacity beyond 48 h suggests that maintenance bronchodilator therapy is required to achieve maximal changes in hyperinflation. ER -