PT - 日刊文AU - Calvani,M. AU - 亚历山德里,C AU - Bonci,E. TI - 在生命早期发热发作及过敏体质的哮喘能帮助儿童发展 - 10.1183 / 09031936.02.00274502 DP - 2002年8月1日TA - 欧洲呼吸期刊PG - 391--396 VI - 20 IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //内容/ 20/2 / 391.Full SO - EUR RESPIR J2002 8月1日;20 AB - 卫生假设提出,暴露于感染的暴露可能有助于过敏和哮喘“流行病”,但鉴定到目前为止所涉及的感染的研究提供了相互冲突的数据。另一种方法可以基于试图识别几种不同感染的机制,这可能施加特性“保护性”效果。这些机制中的一种可能是发烧,其通常与感染有关,并且可以刺激干扰素-γ的合成。本研究的目的是测试生命第一年的发热频率是否与Atopate的发育有关。参加了参加门诊患者过敏诊所的哮喘(病例,N = 317)和非发育儿童(对照,N = 304)。通过面试完成的调查问卷,父母报告回顾性评估了前2年的前2年的发热剧集数。在检查时,通过皮肤刺的测试通过皮肤刺的测试确定了特性,在考试时进行了10次普遍的吸入剂过敏原。在哮喘的儿童中,第一个或第二年生命中的发热剧集显着频繁。 However, this difference was totally accounted for by a subgroup of children who started wheezing in the first 12 months of life. A significant inverse association between fever episodes in the first 12 months of life and atopy was found among cases, but not in controls. The association persisted after adjusting for age, sex, daycare attendance and family history of atopic disease and this was totally accounted for by asthmatic children who started wheezing after the first 12 months of life. No significant association was found between fever episodes in the second year of life and atopy for cases and controls. The data presented here suggests that fever episodes early in life may affect the natural history of asthma by preventing the development of atopy and highlights the need to monitor fever episodes of any kind in longitudinal studies aimed at investigating the hygiene hypothesis prospectively.