PT-日记文章Au -Wencker,M.Au -Marx,A.Au -Konietzko,N.Au -Schaefer,B.Au -Au -Campbell,E.J。Ti-肺部疾病患者的α 1 1 - PI缺乏 - 10.1183/09031936. DP -2002 AUG 01 TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -319--324 VI -20 IP -20 IP -20 IP-20 IP -20 IP-20 IP -20 IP -2 24099 - 4100 - so -eur Respir so -eur Respir j2002 8月1日;20 AB-在肺部肺气肿的患者中,研究报告了2-3%的严重α1 -PI缺乏症患者。这项研究的目的是评估通过干燥血液点(DBS)的表型来量化α1 -PI的新方法的准确性,并检验假设的假设是,筛查处于风险的人群会增加严重α1 -PI的检测率不足。将DBS的表型结果的准确性与总共555个个体的常规方法进行了比较。在一项前瞻性研究中,使用DBS筛选了1,060例慢性肺疾病患者的α1 -PI缺乏。来自DBS的表型方法的验证表明精度为100%。在1,060名经过测试的患者中,没有一个严重的PIZ缺乏症,只有3例PISZ,而PIMS的36(3.34%)个体被确定为杂合子,PIMZ的39(3.68%)。 No patients with severe α1‐Pi deficiency could be detected in this population and the frequency of PiMS or PiMZ detected was similar to that of the normal population. Thus, the screening of an unselected population of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma patients may not detect a large number of individuals with severe α1‐Pi deficiency. The study was supported by a grant from Bayer Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. E.J. Campbell's work was supported by PHS grant HL 46440.