@Article {Gaede267,作者= {Gaede,K.i。以及Wilke,G。和Brade,L。和Brade,H。和Schlaak,M。和M {\“ U} ller-Quernheim,J.},title = {抗chlamydophila Immunoglobulain in carlyagoid and sumydophila Immunoglobulin Perrcience in Carcoidosis and Suptar and as ost statial stitatial pneumoniae},音量= {19},number = {2},pages = {267--274},年= {2002},doi = {10.1183/09031936.02.001222002},publisher = {欧洲呼吸症188bet官网地址和通常的间质性肺炎(UIP)是影响下呼吸道的未知病因的疾病。尽管有许多研究调查了这些疾病的因果作用,但没有微生物可以将其鉴定为因果剂。pneumoniae infections associated with lung injury encouraged the present investigations to screen patients with sarcoidosis and with UIP for their Chlamydophila-specific immune response. Thirty-nine patients with sarcoidosis, 26 patients with UIP and 34 controls were tested for the prevalence of Chlamydophila-specific antibodies在布朗克Hoalveolor灌洗液(BALF)和血清。在针对衣原体脂肪糖(LPS)的属特异性测试中,测试了样品的存在,并在针对肺炎梭状芽胞杆菌的物种特异性测试中进行了测试。这项研究表明,与对照组(8.8 \%)和UIP患者(12.0 \%)相比,在结节病患者BALF(36.8%)中,衣原体dophila LPS特异性免疫球蛋白(Ig)的患病率明显更高。在血清中观察到了类似的发现。在IgG和IgA的结节症患者中,BALF中肺炎特异性抗体的患病率明显更高(IgG:74.4 \%\%\%; IgA:46.2 \%),IgG的UIP(IgG:50.0 \%\%; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga; iga》; igG;%)与对照组(IgG:14.7 \%; IgA:14.7 \%)相比。 The elevated prevalence of Chlamydophila-specific antibodies in sarcoidosis patients might implicate Chlamydophila as a causal agent. However, considering the high prevalence of Chlamydophila antibodies in the healthy population, the data presented might reflect Chlamydophila co-infections in pre-injured lungs seen in these patients.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/19/2/267}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/19/2/267.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }