RT期刊文章SR电子T1口闭塞压力,CO2反应和严重慢性阻塞性肺病的血清急性肺病JF欧洲呼吸杂志Jo EUR RESPIR J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 666 OP 671 VO 12是3 A1 MONTES DE OCA,M A1 Celli,B188bet官网地址YR 1998 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/12/3/666.Abstract ab静止口闭合压力0.1 s发起灵感后(p0.1)和微小通风(v'e)及其反应对慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者的二氧化碳仍然存在争议。在19卢比和14例高型严重COPD患者和20个对照中,研究了通风驾驶和预测静脉静脉CO2张力(PA,CO2)的因素。通过读取技术评估CO2响应。作为终端二氧化碳张力(PET,CO2)的v'e和P0.1用于研究通风(Deltav'e / deltapet,Co2)和p0.1响应(deltap0.1 / deltapet,CO2)。在患者中,通过同时测量胸膜(PPL)和胃(PGA)压力,评价呼吸肌功能和胸腔闭塞压力0.1s。高碳酸血症患者的强迫致命能力(FVC),强制呼气量(FEV1),和动脉O2张力(PA,O2)。患者休息P0.1比对照较高,而Deltap0.1 / deltapet,CO2在三组中相似。休息P0.1没有差异(3.6 +/- 2.0与4.3 +/- 2.8 KPA(2.7 +/- 1.5与3.2 +/- 2.1 cmh2o),p = 0.2)和PPL,0.1(1.4 +/-2.3 versus 5.2+/-3.3 kPa (4.08+/-1.7 versus 3.9+/-2.5 cmH2O), p=0.22) between eucapnic and hypercapnic COPD, whereas deltaV'E/deltaPet,CO2 was lower in the hypercapnic group (0.29+/-0.24 versus 0.66+/-0.5 L x min(-1) x kPa, p<0.001). By logistic regression only FEVI and increased diaphragmatic load, and not respiratory drive, predicted resting Pa,CO2. Irrespective of CO2 level, baseline central drive (represented by the mouth occlusion and pleural pressures) and CO2 response are preserved in most patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Effective ventilation is inadequate in the more severely obstructed patients and this results in hypercapnia. Neuroventilatory coupling failure is an attractive explanation for chronic hypercapnia in these patients.