TY - T1的个人吸烟的影响意大利胸部医生的临床实践JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 1450 LP - 1453欧元六世- 12 - 6盟纳尔迪尼,年代盟——Bertoletti R AU -拉斯泰利,V AU -唐纳,CF Y1 - 1998/12/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/12/6/1450.abstract N2 -吸烟(TS)是一种肺部疾病的主要原因。本研究旨在确定:1)TS的患病率在胸部医生;2)个人吸烟习惯的影响临床实践;和3)训练与烟草有关的问题(TI)医生在医学院。共有983人参加的全国会议上胸意大利国家社会对TI (AIPO)收到一份调查问卷,也包含了Fagerstroem宽容问卷,和605年(61.5%)回答。一个独立的评估吸烟者患病率进行自我选择的偏差降到最低。吸烟者的数量是151年(25%)、246(40.7%)和exsmokers 208不吸烟者(34.4%)。Smoking chest physicians underestimate the health hazards of smoking (p<0.001) and disregard their educational role (p=0.005) more than nonsmoking chest physicians. Compliance with smoking restrictions inside hospitals is frequently poor (30.1% smoke in clinics). In 33.1% of smokers a high nicotine addiction was found, which influenced their behaviour in hospital but not their ability to cope with tobacco-related problems. This ability was generally low: 39.1% of responders reported no training about TI. Smoking is frequent among Italian chest physicians, who are poorly trained about the health effects of tobacco smoking and are poorly skilled in treating smokers. ER -