%0期刊文章%A裁员,T%MAREK,W%raulf-heimsoth,m%b泡沫,乳头漂白剂的急性暴露导致兔模型的气道高响应性1998%j欧洲呼吸轴颈%p1371-1374%V 12%N%N 6%X铵脱脂(APS)和过氧化氢(H2O2)用作许多工业过程中的氧化剂,是标准毛发漂白产品的主要成分。在以前的一项研究中,证明APS的气溶胶诱导气道反应性的改变。本研究检测了将4小时暴露于毛发漂白剂组合物(含有AP,脱脂和H2O2)或H 2 O 2可以诱导兔模型中的气道高反应性和/或阻塞性通气模式。暴露于气溶胶​​既不改变基线气道阻力,动态弹性,吸气压力发电的斜率,也不改变鼓风机血压和血液气体测量。Similarly to APS, hair bleach aerosols containing > or =10.9 mg x m(-3) persulphate (ammonium and potassium salt) in air and > or =1.36 mg x m(-3) H2O2 in air caused airway hyperresponsiveness to acetylcholine after 4 h of exposure. Aerosolized H2O2 (> or =37 mg x m(-3) in air) did not influence airway responsiveness to acetylcholine. The results demonstrate that hair bleaching products containing persulphates dissolved in H2O2 cause airway hyperresponsiveness to acetylcholine in rabbits. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/12/6/1371.full.pdf