AU - Currie, WD AU - van Schaik, S AU - Vargas, I AU - Enhorning,G TI -呼吸和肺表面活性物质功能在小鼠24 h后臭氧接触DP - 1998年8月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 288 - 293 - 12的IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J1998 8月01;本研究的目的是确定急性臭氧暴露是否影响呼吸,以及肺表面活性物质维持末端传导气道通畅的能力。BALB/c小鼠暴露于百万分之一(ppm)臭氧2、4、6和8小时,24小时后进行体积描记和支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)检查。分析BAL液中是否存在炎症细胞以及蛋白质和磷脂的浓度。其余BAL液中的表面活性剂浓缩5次,用毛细管表面仪(CS)检测。然后用大量的盐水溶液洗涤表面活性剂,离心后将盐水溶液去除。在暴露于臭氧2小时后,呼吸频率已经从297+/-6增加到386+/-11次x min(-1) (p<0.0001)。每次呼吸的压力幅度减小(p<0.001),表明潮气量减小。尽管磷脂增加,但在CS中观察到非常显著的表面活性剂功能障碍(p<0.0001)。 However, proteins also increased (p<0.0001) and they or other water-soluble inhibitors apparently caused the surfactant dysfunction since, when they were removed with a washing procedure, the surfactant's normal ability to maintain patency was restored. The acute ozone exposure affected breathing and caused an airway inflammation. The inflammatory proteins or other water-soluble inhibitors reduced the surfactant's ability to secure airway patency.