JF -欧洲呼吸杂志JO - Eur Respir J SP - 1150 LP - 1152 VL - 11 IS - 5 AU - Smith, IE AU - King, MA AU - Siklos, PW AU - Shneerson,N2 -高碳酸性呼吸衰竭是pror - willi综合征中常见的死亡原因。它与睡眠呼吸障碍的关系尚未确定,也没有其成功治疗的报告。我们回顾了四名患者的记录与综合征,谁发展通气衰竭。比较治疗前和治疗期间日间动脉血气张力和夜间血氧测定。每个患者都有严重的睡眠呼吸障碍,并伴有日间呼吸衰竭。中位夜间平均动脉氧饱和度(Sa,O2)为82%,中位最小值仅为41.5%。初期治疗为鼻间歇性正压通气,每例患者日间动脉血气张力均恢复正常。患者出院后夜间维持鼻腔持续气道正压通气。依从性良好,最终随访(平均4.8年)日间动脉气张力保持正常,夜间平均动脉氧饱和度为95.5%,最小值为84.5%。 This study of patients with the Prader-Willi syndrome shows that daytime ventilatory failure is associated with sleep-disordered breathing. It can be reversed with nocturnal noninvasive ventilation and maintenance treatment with continuous positive airway pressure is well tolerated, with no deterioration in respiratory parameters. ER -