%0期刊论文%A克里格,J%A斯福尔扎,E%A Petiau,C%A魏斯,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征Ť%T简化诊断过程:降低后续符合CPAP%d 1998%Ĵ欧洲呼吸杂志%P776-779%V 12%N 4%X本研究的目的是调查基于与MESAM IV动态监测的简化诊断程序是否改变后续符合阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)患者持续气道正压(CPAP)。在为期16个月,60例症状唤起OSA的和积极的MESAM记录用标准的多导睡眠后滴定CPAP规定。顺应性基于在2年,随后内置的时间计数器和与两个比较组的顺应性相比:相同数量的诊断为标准的多导睡眠同样受到严重影响患者的过程中18个月(前8个月后8个月)前述和下面的研究期间和一组48本例的估计类似呼吸暂停/低通气指数但小于典型的临床和/或MESAM特征,诊断为在研究期间具有基于多导睡眠图OSA。三组均不受年龄,身体质量指数,或睡意分数不同。Patients diagnosed with the ambulatory procedure had higher drop-out rates (21.7% versus 10% and 6.25%; p<0.05) and lower rates of use of their CPAP (43+/-0.3 h x night(-1)) than any of the control groups (53+/-0.2 and 5.6+/-0.2 h x night(-1), p<0.05). In conclusion, there is a risk that ambulatory diagnostic procedures alter the relationship of patients to their disease and/or the medical staff so that subsequent compliance with treatment may be decreased. The greatest care concerning compliance should be taken before an ambulatory-based diagnostic procedure is implemented. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/12/4/776.full.pdf