PT-日记文章Au-海斯,RD AU-海滩,Jr au -Rutherford,DM au -sim- sim,Ti先生 - 在不同的存储条件下在9个月内DP -1998 APR 01 TA -Europen Respiratory Journal在不同存储条件下的稳定性PG -946--948 VI -11 IP -4 4099 - 4100 - SO -EUR RESTIR J1998 APR 01;11 AB-通常用于测试支气管过度反应性的甲基氯氯化物溶液已被证明会随着时间的推移降解。已发布的数据解决了甲基氯氯化物储存的最佳条件的数据是冲突和不完整的。这项研究调查了多种疾病对氯化乙醇氯化物稳定性的影响。溶解在50和0.39 g x L(-1)的磷酸盐缓冲盐水(PBS)或氯化钠(NaCl)中的甲基氯乙烯氯化物经历了9个月的各种光和温度条件。通过高性能液相色谱法确定甲氯氯化物降解,所有溶液进行了细菌和pH测试。到9个月,所有50 g x L(-1)甲基氯乙烯溶液均降解了65 +/- 0.8%。NaCl中的所有0.39 G X L(-1)溶液均降低了11.0 +/- 0.33%。在室温下冷冻,冷藏或储存的PBS中的0.39 G X L(-1)溶液分别降低了8.0%,16.0 +/- 0.3%和63.8 +/- 0.5%。 The pH of methacholine chloride was 7.2 in PBS at 0.39 g x L(-1), 5.8 in PBS at 50 g x L(-1), 3.9 in NaCl at 0.39 and 2.7 in NaCl at 50 g x L(-1). Bacterial contamination was minimal. The results of this study demonstrate that methacholine chloride is more stable at the higher concentration. However, the pH of the more concentrated solutions of methacholine chloride in sodium chloride could cause bronchoconstriction in some subjects. We therefore recommend storing methacholine chloride at 50 g x L(-1) in phosphate-buffered saline.