@article {Maillard901, author = {Maillard, JO and Burdet, L and van Melle, G and Fitting, JW}, title ={重复的收缩口压,嗅鼻吸气压力,最大吸气压力},volume = {11}, number ={4},页数={901—905},year = {1998}, publisher ={欧洲呼吸学会},188bet官网地址磁膈神经刺激时的抽搐口压(Pmo,tw)和嗅鼻吸气压(SNIP)最近被认为是评估吸气肌肉力量的替代性无创方法。本研究旨在比较它们与正常受试者最大吸气压力(MIP)的重现性。研究了10名健康受试者在半卧位时的功能剩余容量。颈椎磁膈神经刺激执行期间温和呼气针对闭塞合并小泄漏。通过记录膈肌电图来控制刺激的持续性。研究了Pmo、tw、SNIP和MIP在会议期间的压力再现性。受试者在1天和1个月后重复进行10个动作。Pmo、tw的平均值为16 cmH2O, SNIP的平均值为118 cmH2O, MIP的平均值为115 cmH2O。在三次测试中,受试者内部变异相对于受试者间变异较小,Pmo、tw、SNIP、MIP的类内相关系数分别为0.79-0.90、0.85-0.92和0.88-0.92。 At 1 day interval, the coefficient of repeatability (2 SD of differences) was 3.6 cmH2O for Pmo,tw, 32 cmH2O for SNIP and 28 cmH2O for MIP. At 1 month interval, the coefficient of repeatability was 5.8 cmH2O for Pmo,tw, 23 cmH2O for SNIP and 21 cmH2O for MIP. We conclude that the within session reproducibility of the new tests twitch mouth pressure and sniff nasal inspiratory pressure is sufficient to be clinically useful. For sniff nasal inspiratory pressure, the between session reproducibility established after 1 day was maintained after 1 month. For twitch mouth pressure, the between session reproducibility declined slightly after 1 month. These characteristics should be considered when using these methods to follow an individual patient over time.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/11/4/901}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/11/4/901.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }