RT期刊文章SR电子T1 COPD患者的运动训练:基本问题JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO EUR RESSIR J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 2884 OP 2884 OP 2891 VO 10 IS 12 A1 GOSSELINK,R A1 TOROSTERS,T A1 DECLAMER,T A1188bet官网地址 DECLAMER,M YR 1997 UL 1997 UL 1997 UL//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/12/2884.ABSTRACTAB ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT肺部康复计划旨在提高运动能力,日常生活的活动,生活质量以及在慢性阻塞性肺病患者(COPD)患者中的生存。最近,精心设计的研究调查并确认了全面的肺部康复计划的功效,包括运动训练,呼吸运动,最佳医疗,心理社会支持和健康教育。在目前的概述中,通过六个基本问题讨论了临床实践中运动训练对肺部康复的影响的贡献。其中包括:1)运动训练的意义;2)运动训练的最佳强度;3)处方培训方式;4)运动训练的影响与药物,营养或氧气相结合;5)如何保持培训效果;6)应在何处执行康复计划:住院,门诊或家庭护理? First, exercise training has been proven to be an essential component of pulmonary rehabilitation. Training intensity is of key importance. High-intensity training (>70% maximal workload) is feasible even in patients with more advanced COPD. In addition, the effects on peripheral muscle function and ventilatory adaptations are superior to low-intensity training. There is, however, no consensus on the optimal training modalities. Both walking and cycling improved exercise performance. Since peripheral muscle function has been recognized as an important contributor to exercise performance, specific peripheral muscle training recently gained interest. Improved submaximal exercise performance and increased quality of life were found after muscle training. The optimal training regimen (strength or endurance) and the muscle groups to be trained, remain to be determined. Training of respiratory muscles is recommended in patients with ventilatory limitation during exercise. The additional effects of anabolic-androgenic drugs, oxygen and nutrition are not well-established in COPD patients and need further research. In order to maintain training effects, close attention of the rehabilitation team is required. The continuous training frequency necessary to maintain training effects remains to be defined. At this point in time, out-patient-based programmes show the best results and guarantee the best supervision and a multidisciplinary approach. Future research should focus on the role of homecare programmes to maintain improvements.