PT -期刊文章盟田K盟,栗原市Y AU - Sekiguchi, S AU - Doi, Y AU - Matsuda, K AU - Miyanaga, M AU - Ikeda, Y TI - Spontaneous haemothorax caused by costal exostosis DP - 1997 Mar 01 TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - 735--736 VI - 10 IP - 3 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J1997 Mar 01; 10 AB - We report a case of spontaneous haemothorax in a 19 year old boy with an exostosis of the left second rib. It may have been caused by nontraumatic rupture of markedly dilated pleural vessels, as a result of long-standing friction between the exostosis and the pleura. This is the first report of spontaneous haemothorax, without penetrative injury to the pleura or the diaphragm, in a patient with hereditary multiple exostosis.