[J] .支气管哮喘患者气道杯状细胞和腔内黏液的连续性[J] .中华呼吸杂志[J] .中华呼吸杂志[J] .中华呼吸杂志[J] .中华呼吸杂志[J] .中华呼吸杂志]。本研究的目的是阐明在支气管哮喘患者的尸检肺中观察到的广泛的粘液堵塞的形成机制。我们对8例支气管哮喘(BA组)的尸检肺气道进行形态计量学分析,并与6例慢性支气管炎(CB组)和4例对照组(control)的肺气道进行比较。石蜡切片测量如下参数:支气管腺与支气管壁的体积比(Gland%);杯状细胞颗粒占总上皮层(goblet %);以粘液占比(MOR)表示的腔内粘液;杯状细胞连续腔内黏液与总腔内黏液的体积比(Vc/Vtol %);与杯状细胞连续的腔内黏液接触面与总腔面之比(Sc/Stot %)。BA组和CB组气道壁上的Gland%、Goblet %和MOR或炎症细胞数量均大于对照组。然而,BA组与CB组在Gland%、Goblet %、MOR和炎症细胞数量方面均无显著差异,除了嗜酸性粒细胞数量:Gland%分别为23 +/- 3%、22 +/- 3%和6 +/- 2%; 22 +/- 9, 5 +/- 4 and 2 +/- 2% in Goblet%; 10 +/- 3, 18 +/- 3 and 0.3 +/- 0.5% in MOR; 199 +/- 68, 10 +/- 3 and 2 +/- 2 cells. mm-2 in eosinophil number of the peripheral airways from Groups BA, CB and Control, respectively. In contrast, marked and significant increases were observed both in Vc/Vtot% and Sc/Stot% in Group BA compared to Groups CB and Control both in central and peripheral airways: i.e. Vc/Vtot% in the peripheral airways was 53 +/- 5, 4 +/- 3 and 0.8 +/- 0.8% from Groups BA, CB and Control, respectively (BA vs CB or BA vs Control, p < 0.01 each). These findings suggest that the continuity of goblet cells and intraluminal mucus or lack of full release of mucus, from goblet cells, is peculiar to asthmatic airways, and may contribute to the formation of mucous-plugs. ER -