PT-日记文章AU- Stokes,Jr au -Sorkness,RL Au -Kaplan,Au -au -Castleman,Wl au -au -tomai,MA au -Miller,RL Au -Lemanske RF,Jr TI-衰减病毒引起的病毒诱发的气道功能障碍用Imiquimod DP治疗的大鼠1998 FEB 01 TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -324--329 VI -11 IP -2 4099 - 4100 -HTTP:// so -eur Respir J1998 Feb 01;11 AB-病毒呼吸道感染会导致急性气道异常,包括动物和人类的炎症和生理功能障碍。炎性细胞产物(例如细胞因子)可能会导致病毒诱导的气道功能障碍。我们假设咪喹莫德(Imiquimod)是一种诱导干扰素α的免疫反应增强剂,会减弱大鼠急性病毒疾病期间气道功能障碍的发展。成年棕色挪威大鼠接种了1型副氟氟兰氏病毒或无菌媒介物,并用咪喹莫德或水治疗。呼吸系统耐药性(RRS),动脉氧张力(PA,O2),肺病毒滴度和支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)白细胞计数在麻醉,瘫痪,通风的大鼠中测量。Virus-infected, water-treated rats had a significant decrease in Pa,O2 and had significant increases in leucocyte count and Rrs when compared to both the virus-infected, imiquimod-treated, (Pa,O2, p = 0.03; leucocyte count,p = 0.02;和RRS,p = 0.009)和未感染的水处理大鼠(PA,O2,p = 0.007; leucocyte count,p = 0.001; and rrs,p = 0.01)。此外,咪喹莫德抑制了病毒感染(P = 0.02)和未感染(P = 0.001)组的BAL嗜酸性粒细胞,并降低了总体病毒滴度(P = 0.03)。 Thus, both virus-induced airway inflammation and physiological dysfunction were attenuated significantly by imiquimod treatment in this animal model. By further delineating mechanisms by which infections induce airway dysfunction in animal models, more specific pharmacological interventions can be developed for the treatment of virus-induced asthma.