%0期刊文章%a fontana,ga%a pantaleo,t%a lavorini,f%a boddi,v%a panuccio,p%t非侵入性肌电图研究有关人类的阈值和咳嗽强度的人数D 1997%J欧洲呼吸杂志%p 983-989%v 10%n 5%x评估咳嗽阈值和强度在呼吸医学中很重要。我们已经开发了一种方法,可以客观和非侵入性评估止咳阈值和呼气肌肉努力的强度,以响应吸入超声雾化的蒸馏水(UNDW)。36名志愿者中有30名(83%)因响应解开式吸入而咳嗽。咳嗽阈值被视为最低的雾化器输出(ml x min(-1)),该输出在30分钟的间隔内引起了两个挑战。在阈值水平上,评估了腹部肌肉综合肌电图(IEMG)活性的峰值重复性。在3小时和6-9个月间隔后,评估了15名受试者的咳嗽阈值的短期和长期重复性。还研究了雾化器输出与IEMG相关变量之间的剂量反应关系,在自愿咳嗽期间,后者和呼气流之间的相关性也是如此。中位数(第一和第三四分之一)的咳嗽阈值值为0.89(0.40和1.54)ml x min(-1)。在阈值水平上,IEMG活性的峰值和斜率高度可重复。 Cough threshold displayed a high degree of short- and long-term repeatability. Peak and slope of IEMG activity displayed a clear trend to increase (p<0.01) following inhalation of progressively higher UNDW outputs. Maximum flow during voluntary coughs of varying intensity correlated with the peak (p<0.05) and, more closely, with the slope (p<0.01) of abdominal IEMG activity. The assessment of cough threshold as well as the evaluation of the intensity of cough efforts by abdominal integrated electromyographic recordings may represent useful and reliable tools for cough research in humans. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/10/5/983.full.pdf