Ty -jour t1-隐源性纤维化肺泡炎JF中的静息能量消耗 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -2744 LP -2748 LP -2748 VL -10 IS -12 AU -CONGLETON,JU -JU -JAU -JAU -MUERS,MF Y1-1977/12/12/12/12/12/12/12/12/12/12/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/12/2744.44.abstract N2-慢性气流限制的患者比例似乎有静息能量支出升高(REE)。这被认为是这些患者可能发生的体重减轻的原因。先前的一项研究发现,混合病因的间质性肺疾病患者的REE增加。我们有兴趣在一个更均匀的组中研究REE,并具有隐秘纤维化肺泡炎(CFA)。研究了20例CFA患者。将它们与18个对照组合的年龄,性别,体重和身高进行了比较。REE通过间接量热法测量。通过人体测量法估计无脂肪质量(FFM)。患者进行了呼吸功能检查,通过圣乔治呼吸问卷的活动部分评估了与呼吸困难有关的残疾。CFA组中的平均REE与对照组没有差异:5.20(0.56)对5.12(0.51)KJ X H(-1)X KGFFM(-1)。 REE was elevated to greater than 110% of the value predicted by the Harris-Benedict equation in one CFA patient and in no control subjects. There was no correlation of REE with weight, pulmonary function tests, arterial oxygen saturation or activity score. The prevalence of a raised resting energy expenditure in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis patients with low transfer factor and relatively preserved vital capacity is low, and is less than that reported previously in a group of patients with interstitial lung disease of mixed aetiology. ER -