Ty-jour t1 - 甲素响应的年度变异性,非发电机工作成人JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 2515 LP - 2521 VL - 10是 - 11 Au - Beckett,WS Au - Pace,Pa Au - Sferlazza,SJ Au - Carey,VJ Au - Weiss,St Y1 - 1997/11/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/11/2515.Abstract n2 - Airway响应性的变化频繁用作临床以及流行病学工具。气道反应能力的变化可以优于其他肺功能措施,因为它们是环境效应的更敏感的指标。但是,必须在更改可以解释之前定义测试结果的正常变化。为了表征Airways响应性的年度变异性,我们以1年间隔施用高剂量的甲素攻击,可达4°F至105个健康的非降低的工作受试者。使用该高剂量方案,大部分测试(83%)在一秒钟(FEV1)中产生了至少20%的强制呼气量下降,允许标准计算甲素的促甲素,导致20%的FEV1下降(PD20)。在每年至少30%的受试者中观察到一个或多个倍增剂量的甲素响应性的年度变化。估计航空响应措施的差异方差组分,以便直接比较受试者内部和对象之间的可变性。PD20中的对象内变异性显着大于FEV1中的对象内变异性的比较。 Level of FEV1 and age were both significant determinants of methacholine responsiveness. Comparison of two methods of expressing methacholine responsiveness (PD20 using the full challenge up to 250 mg x mL(-1) methacholine, and the dose-response slope using data up to 32 mg x mL(-1) methacholine as the maximum dose) had similar annual variability in censored data and mixed-effects models. We then developed an approach to statistical analysis of "right-censored" methacholine challenge data using a maximum likelihood estimation under a censored Gaussian model. These studies of methacholine responsiveness provide normative data on annual test variability in healthy, nonasthmatic working adults, and show that a shorter low-dose challenge has comparable annual variability to a lengthier high-dose challenge. ER -