@Article {Boitelle557,作者= {Boitelle,A和Gosset,P和Copin,MC和Vanhee,D和Marquette,d and Marquette,ch and Ch and Wallaert,b and Gosselin,b and Tonnel,ab},title = {MCP-1在肺肺部的MCP-1分泌来自非吸烟煤炭工作者{\ textquoteright} s肺炎},体积= {10},number = {3},pages = {557--562},年= {1997}188bet官网地址= {暴露于煤尘会导致煤炭工人的发展{\ tockquoteright} s肺炎(CWP),这种疾病与下呼吸道中巨噬细胞的积累有关。控制单核细胞募集的机制仍然很少了解。由于单核细胞趋化蛋白1(MCP-1)被认为是血液单核细胞的有效趋化因子,因此我们分析了CWP患者肺部室中MCP-1的存在。分析了16名非吸烟对照受试者的支气管腔灌洗液(BALF)和27例非吸烟的CWP患者(16例简单肺炎肺炎(SP)和11例具有进行性大规模纤维化(PMF))。通过粘附纯化肺泡巨噬细胞(AMS),并通过冻干将BALF浓缩十倍。使用三明治酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)在BALF和上午3小时内测量MCP-1。MCP-1在肺组织中的定位是通过三名CWP和两名对照组患者的组织切片的免疫组织化学确定的。来自SP或PMF患者的浓缩BALF(分别为370和555 pg X ML-1)的MCP-1水平明显高于对照组受试者的MCP-1水平(中位PG X ML-1)(中位数11 pg X ML-1)(P \ <0.001)(P \ <0.001)。 Released MCP-1 in AM supernatants was enhanced in patients with CWP (median 83 pg x mL-1) but compared to controls (median 41 pg x mL-1) this level did not reach significance. Although significantly increased, AM counts in BALF from patients with CWP did not correlate with MCP-1 levels. MCP-1 levels in BALF correlated with MCP-1 levels in AM supernatants (p=0.47; p\<0.02). In control lung specimens, MCP-1 was expressed by a few AMs, type II pneumocytes and perivascular smooth muscle cells. CWP sections were characterized by an increased number of AMs and mainly by the presence of fibroblasts (in the myogenic area of fibrotic lesions) and hyperplastic type II pneumocytes, which were strongly immunostained for MCP-1. Our data demonstrate that: 1) patients with coal worker{\textquoteright}s pneumoconiosis have a marked pulmonary overproduction of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; and 2) in addition to alveolar macrophages, fibroblasts (probably myofibroblasts) and hyperplastic type II pneumocytes may also be responsible for this increased level of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in coal worker{\textquoteright}s pneumoconiosis.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/3/557}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/3/557.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }